Home Renovation

The Friday Casita Project
We finally started our next project here in New Mexico. Our new old house does need some work but most of it involves things like ...

Progress Update: Guest Bedroom Renovation
During the last 4.5 years there were times when I wasn't sure we would ever get to this point in our renovations. The stay at home ...

Progress Update: Adding a Bathroom & Laundry
I've fallen behind on posting our progress updates...way behind! But, now that we have a little extra time at home I thought I'd ...

Progress Update: Closet Transformation
Dark and dreary to bright and clean When you live in a house while you're renovating, it can be hard to stay motivated. At times, the ...

Before & After: Bathroom Transformation
When we first walked through our house the upstairs main bathroom had broken pipes, a hole in the floor that looked down into the ...

Progress Update: One Year Later
December 2015 - December 2016 It’s hard to believe that we’ve been in our house for one year! So much has happened and I’ve ...

Before & After: Dining Room
Summer is here and we've made a lot of progress on our house. The dinning room walls are finally done and the woodwork is painted. We ...

Before & After: Studio Workshop Renovation
We've been steadily chipping away at our home renovation projects and it's time to share another room that we've finished. The 3rd ...

Progress Update
March 6, 2016 "Perfection is boring" - a new mantra we've been trying out lately. It's been serving us well as we work on our old ...