
The Eclectic Peddlers, Hallam, PA
The Eclectic Peddlers Some of the best vintage shopping discoveries are found completely by accident. That's what happened to us ...

3 Mobile Apps to Find the Best Yard Sales, Thrift Shops & Flea Markets
Mobile Apps There are a bizillion mobile apps that you can download to help you do everything from counting the number of steps you ...

Shopping at MartinGuitarmaker’s Connection
Martin Guitarmaker's Connection 10 W North Street Nazareth, PA 18064 Phone: (610) 759-2064 HOURS: Mon. - Fri. 9am - 4pm (call ...

Flea Market Review: Fensty’s Flea Market
2015 has started out with some fun new discoveries, and Fensty's Flea Market is one of them. Fensty's Flea Market 20 3rd Street (on ...

Exploring Duncannon & Newport, PA
After being laid up for over a month, fighting a nasty cold and a herniated disc, I was thrilled to finally be out and about ...

A New Year and New Flea Market
Tour de Thrift in 2015 It's hard to believe it's 2015 already!...but here we are. We're excited for the upcoming year, and busy ...

Black Kat Kollectibles
For our last review of 2014, we traveled to Bird-in-Hand, PA., a small town east of Lancaster. We visited a new vintage store, Black ...

On Being Thankful & Grateful
Like many of you, we'll be spending Thanksgiving with relatives and friends. As we prepare for our trip out-of-town, I've been ...

Garden Drive-In Theater & Flea Market
Sunday was a beautiful autumn day in central Pennsylvania, with clear blue skies, temps in the high 60's and colorful leaves still on ...