Quirky Collections: Mr. Potato Head & Friends
This is the first in a new series of blog posts about vintage and sometimes quirky collections. We’ll meet vintage collectors hear the stories behind their collections and hopefully learn something new about the old things people collect.
Collections come in all shapes and sizes. Some people collect old cameras some collect vintage sewing patterns or vintage motorcycles and some focus on quirky collections with a bit more whimsy.
“Chelsea Boys” photo: Donnas Schaeffer
Donnas Schaeffer is a veteran vintage collector, reseller and talented B&W photographer. She has a sharp eye for finding some top notch clothing and accessories, which she sells at a group shop, Zionsville Antique Mall in Zionsville, PA and also at Flea markets in and around Philadelphia, PA. She has been working on a series of photographs documenting the vanishing vintage bowling ally’s of America, at Bowlergirl.com
Donnas has several wonderful vintage and mid century modern collections, but one of my favorites is her collection of Mr. & Mrs. Potato Head toys. Although recognized by many as iconic toys of the mid century, Mr. and Mrs. Potato head toys are not always the first thing that comes to mind as a vintage collectible.
How did you start your collection
“I had picked up a book called Timeless Toys at a thrift store about 8 or 9 years ago, and that book got me started. The Potato Heads were easy finds at rummage sales, and thrift stores, and they were really cheap. Within a 3 year span, I picked up 45 of the standard size and a handful of the mini sizes. I stopped buying them when the made in China stamp showed up on them.”
“Elenore” photo: Donnas Schaeffer
What are your favorite pieces you’ve collected so far?
“I would have to say I like the plaid vest and hunting cap pieces, and the hard hat, and the guitar pieces. Some of the hair pieces are pretty wild too. Purple, Orange, and Hot Pink add a fun dimension to outfits.”

Did you know the first Potato Head hit the market in 1952?
What is your favorite way to display them?
“Soon after I moved into my remodeled studio, I was searching for something to display in the small space above the kitchen cabinets, and for some reason, I tried one of my potato heads, and the fit was perfect! So I proceeded to outfit 28 of them and lined them up. They found the perfect display space and are now permanently on display in my studio.
How does your collection inspire you?
One day, I was sitting at the counter in the studio and was looking up at my collection and thought it would be fun to photograph each Potato Head…..The Potato Head Portrait project was launched. I like how they are transformed, when the bright colors are stripped away in the B&W format. The emphasis is now on pose and expression instead of the color of the hair or the lips and eyes.”
“Rex and Willy” photo: Donnas Schaeffer
Thanks Donnas for sharing your vintage collection with us.
If you are interested in learning more or seeing some other Potato Head collections visit these links.
MrPotatoHead.net – The World’s Largest Resource For Mr. Potato Head Information & History
Hasbro – makers of Mr. Potato Head
Mr Potato Head on the go! – Spuds Travels
Vintage toys are something I really enjoy. I only have a few that I’ve kept, but I can see how much fun they are to collect. If you have a fun vintage collection let me know I’d love to hear about it and share it here on my blog.
Your new series is a great idea! I enjoyed looking at all the Mr. & Mrs. Potato Heads! Reminded me of my childhood in the 80s 😀 Looking forward to seeing more vintage collections!
Thanks – I love the Potato Head toys also!
She’s an amazing photographer, and you’re hard-pressed to find a more expressive and versatile toy photography subject 😉 I always get a strong response to my robot Optimus Prime one I own. Nostalgia goggles!
Thanks Van
I forgot to disclose that she is also my sister. I think she is super talented and her many vintage collections are always an inspiration.