Quirky Collections: Vintage Tin Globe Banks

Vintage Tin Globe Banks

vintage metal globes

Globes are fun to collect and display. Some of my favorites are vintage tin globe banks. Ohio Art and J. Chein & Co. are two of the most common manufacturers of these novelty globes.

To find a date for when these little globes might have been made, you need to study the boundaries and country names. There are websites that can help with dating globes. Omniterrum and Replogle Globes are two that I’ve used.


Vintage tin globe banks were used to encourage saving, often handed out at churches and Sunday schools. Some banks were given out as advertising promotional items and have company names printed on the base.

I really enjoy the colors and the history printed on these small globes, like little time capsules.

1963 Moon globe bank

One of my favorites is our Moon globe from the early 1960’s which shows the impact & landing zones, the country of origin and date for rockets sent to the moon. The far side of the moon has no imprint as there was no photography available at the time.

These little globe banks are quirky, affordable to collect and useful to store spare change, I like grouping them on a shelf above our mantel. Pinterest has some great examples and display ideas.

What’s your quirky collection?
tour de thrift swallow image



4 comments on “Quirky Collections: Vintage Tin Globe Banks”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thanks for using our site for dating globes ! Kim @ Omniterrum.com

    1. Victoria says:

      Hi Kim
      You are most welcome – thanks for having a very helpful site!

  2. As you can imagine, with a website called Retro Roadmap I’m kind of a Map Geek – glad I haven’t seen any of these adorable globes in the wild or I’d definitely start yet another collection of stuff that I don’t need. But these photos were sure fun to look at!

    as far as my Quirky Collection – I’m probably most well known for my snowglobe collection, gotta think of a way to creatively display them now that we’re doing some home rearranging!

    1. Victoria says:

      Hey Mod Betty
      I would LOVE to feature your snowglobe collection on one of my Quirky Collection posts…would you be interested?

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